Termagon Termite & Pest Control Blog

Lice infestation will cause an itchy scalp and various skin conditions, including eczema and allergies. You may also become allergic to soap and shampoo. For that reason, it is essential to know how to check and diagnose lice.

What do Lice Look Like?

Spotting a small, white louse in your loved one’s hair will make you panic. But this is an essential step of identifying and preventing lice infestations. A lice is a parasite known for feeding on human blood. Understanding what it looks like can help control infestation before it spreads in your household. For people who were asking themselves what do lice look like, the information presented in this article will enlighten them about these pests.

Lice Identification and Infestation

The first thing you should do when identifying the infestation of lice is wetting your hair or that of your child. The process slows lice down while making it easier for you to spot them. You can use a comb with fine teeth to part your hair. If you have lice, you will notice brown insects moving around. They look like they are cemented on your hair.

Sometimes, you may be unsure that you have lice on your head. You can always check into a hospital for a diagnosis. During an examination, the doctor will use a magnifying lens or a Wood’s light to check for them. This light makes them easier to spot.


The diagnosis of lice in your head will be made conclusive after one is found. It can also be made if one nit is seen in your scalp. If the doctor does not see nits 1 inch away from your scalp, it means that the infestation is no longer active. Your care provider will suggest that the nits are removed to help prevent reoccurrence.


Lice survive about 12 hours if they fall off a person. At this point, they cannot feed. This means that they cannot hatch either. They will end up dying in 6 to 7 days if not kept at a preferred temperature. You can take the following steps to prevent infestation.

  • Avoid lying on a bed or seat used by a person with affected by the infestation of lice before
  • When playing at home or school, avoid head-to-head contact.
  • Avoid sharing clothing
  • Do not share combs and towels
  • Clean your surrounding often
  • Use warm water and disinfectant to wash items that an infested individual wore before treatment
  • Vacuum the floor, mainly where the infested person sat
  • Do your laundry often

Contact Us

Although lice infestation is annoying, it is treatable. The complications arising from the infestation are rare. They are also limited to a skin disease caused by irritation and scratching. The no sharing rule when it comes to personal belongings comes in handy when preventing lice infestations. Let the professionals at Termagon take care of your pest infesatation. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.