Termagon Termite & Pest Control Blog
Many people fail to realize how significant of a problem bed bugs can be. This is especially true for those who live in cooler areas of the country. However, for those of us living here in Arizona, there’s no such thing as too much precaution concerning these nasty critters.
Once bed bugs make their way into a home, they can be nearly impossible to get rid of if you don’t know exactly what you’re doing and what to look for. Bed bugs and attracted to both carbon dioxide in our breath and the heat generated from our body. This is why we are such easy prey while sleeping.
When bed bugs are being exterminated from a home, more often than not, the residents need to leave overnight. While this happens more often than people realize, it’s not exactly something you’d want to shout from the rooftops. Many people stay with a relative for a night or two while the issue is being addressed instead of with a friend or at a hotel.
Playing host under these circumstances can be tricky. Yes, they are relatives. You want to be kind and help out in any way possible. At the same time, they have bed bugs. If you’re not careful, you’ll have the same issue as soon as they arrive. Here are two simple tips to remember if you find yourself in this predicament.
Keep Away Luggage and Clothes
Make sure you keep all of the luggage and clothing they bring away from your own. Don’t worry. They obviously know how serious a bed bug problem can be. They won’t see you as rude or impolite.
If possible, before they arrive, clean out a closet area. Remove everything you have from the space. Let them know everything they have needs to stay in that closet. Use a few plastic tubs or cardboard boxes for them to keep everything in. Before they put a suitcase or duffle bag in the closet, place them in a trash bag and keep it tied.
Use Slipcovers on Furniture
Again, this is not being rude towards your guests. It simply helps keep the bed bugs from invading your home. Bed bugs are easily able to hide in clothing where you’re unable to see them. Slipovers are easy to remove and wash with hot water once your family has left.
These are just two simple precautions to use many people may not think of. These two suggestions alone won’t guarantee bed bugs won’t find their way into your home. For more tips and a complete list of our services, contact Termagon today.